Thousands of S.D. classic-automobile owners participate in cruise nights across the county – 'We enjoy the cars together'
By Chris Nixon
For the San Diego Union-Tribune
June 30, 2005
"I met my wife through owning this car," says Dave Keetch as he leans out the window of his baby-blue 1955 Thunderbird convertible during a recent Cajon Classic Cruise in downtown El Cajon.
Keetch purchased the car in 1966, but needed a little help to tow the car in 1974. The rest is history.
"The first date with my wife was to go pick up the tow bar and our second date was to actually tow the car to the garage," says Keetch about the passion for classic cars he shares with his wife, Cindy. "And she's been with me ever since. We'll be celebrating our 30th anniversary this June."
The Keetches aren't alone in their passion: They are part of a growing community of San Diego classic-car owners joining clubs and attending cruises. Keetch – a member of the Car Club Council of Greater San Diego – estimates there are 4,000 to 6,000 members in 97 clubs countywide.
El Cajon has a rich history of attracting gearheads and classic-car collectors. The city plays host to the Cajon Classic Cruise, the largest weekly car show in Southern California. Escondido, La Mesa and Chula Vista are among other county spots joining the fun.
The common theme? The cars, the camaraderie, the community.
"We're all trying to do the same thing: We're all reliving an era that's gone past," says Keetch of the different events around San Diego County. "We enjoy the cars together. You step out onto the street and it's almost like you're stepping back in time."
In El Cajon – as with many other S.D. cruises – organizations work with the city to close off Main Street. Cars are usually arranged by type and era. Owners park their cars and set up lawn chairs. They reminisce and reacquaint themselves with their fellow enthusiasts.
It all has a small-town feel to it: "The people are nice, and everybody has a common interest," says Keetch. "You talk about old times and what you used to do."
"Here's the way I look at it: It takes you back to an easier, more gentler time," says Keetch. "Things weren't quite as hectic as they are today. Traffic
wasn't as bad. I love the music. You could leave your house unlocked. It was nice era, people were more friendly then. So it's kind of a sentimental thing more than anything else."
Keetch has been involved in San Diego's classic car scene for decades, and he sees more people each year discovering the simple pleasures of car restoration.
"My wife and I founded the Pontiac club here in San Diego about 16 years ago," says Keetch. "I'm also a charter member of the Classic Thunderbird Club here in San Diego. In '81, I helped found the Convertible Club. So I've been in a few different clubs that I helped found and I've watched them grow. It's been very satisfying."
From lovers of lowriders to vintage Harleys, Southern California provides a perfect home for vehicle revivalists, combining a mild climate and a bevy of classic vehicles to choose from: "It could not be better because of the weather. Where else can you cruise with the top down year-round?"
Chris Nixon is a San Diego freelance writer.
Marc Henry's 1953 Flexible Clipper bus stands out in a crowd. The 33-foot-long renovated classic has the sleek lines of 1950s vehicles and stands a good 5 feet above most cars on the highway. But the color – lime green, deep purple and coral mixed with chrome – draws more attention than a 10-foot-tall neon "Diner" sign on a dark, lonesome highway.
"It really draws a crowd, so I kind of hide it," says the El Cajon resident during the first Cajon Classic Cruise of 2005, who dubbed the bus "Creamsicle" after the orange ice cream pop. "I like to cruise with it. I get all the TVs going and's nice."
When Henry purchased the vintage bus 18 years ago, the interior consisted of basic bench seats with an aisle down the middle, the standard bus layout.
"It was just an old bus," says Henry. "It had 27 coats of paint on it. I traced everything back: It started out as purchased by the Marine Corps, then the San Diego State baseball team used it, then the basketball team. MGM used it for pictures after SDSU. Then it went to a private owner out in Wynona. When I saw it, I said 'I've got to fix it up.' "
Henry did more than just fix it up. He made it into a state-of-the-art motor home, complete with couches, three TVs, a bed and gadgets galore to make every road trip into a cruise. The bus runs on an International 466 BTE diesel turbo engine, and Henry uses the vehicle to take trips to Las Vegas and Laughlin, Nev.: "I'm totally self-contained."
Henry has other classic cars in his garage, but on trips it makes sense to ride in style. "I have a '63 Bonneville convertible with a white top, but I get better gas mileage with the bus."
East County Cruisers, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Tyler's Taste of Texas Barbecue, 576 N. Second St., El Cajon. Information: www.eastcountycruisers.com.
Cajon Classic Cruise, 6 to 9 p.m., Wednesdays through September with a Halloween cruise on Oct. 26. Southern California's largest weekly classic car cruise. Information: (619) 401-8858 or www.downtownelcajon.com.Blast From the Past Car Show, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wednesdays through Sept. 17, more than 125 classic cars and motorcycles on display as well as music, food and vendor booths. Third Avenue in downtown Chula Vista. Information: Downtown Business Association, (619) 422-1982 or www.cvdba.com.
Back to the '50s Car Show, 5 to 8 p.m., Thursdays through Aug. 25, La Mesa Boulevard between Date Avenue and Fourth Street, La Mesa. Information: www.lmvma.com.Fridays
Cruisin' Grand, 5 to 9 p.m. Fridays, Grand and Second avenues, Escondido; through Sept. 30. Pre-1974 American-made hot rods, vintage, classic, custom cars and trucks, with awards. Information: (760) 745-8877.
Saturday Nite Invite, hot rods and classics, 1976 and older, presented by Clairemont Neighborhood Cruisers and Woodies Chili Dogs, 5 to 8 p.m., second Saturday of the month through Oct. 11, 4250-D Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Clairemont Town Square Shopping Center. Information: (858) 270-6412 or www.clairemonttownsquare.com
Dave Keetch of the Car Club Council of Greater San Diego says there are 97 car clubs throughout the county. If you don't find the right club here or don't have access to the Internet, Keetch suggests you contact the San Diego Automotive Museum in Balboa Park, (619) 231-AUTO or
Alfa-Romeo Owners Club San Diego – www.arocsd.org
Austin-Healey Club of San Diego – www.sdhealey.org.
BMW Car Club of San Diego – www.sdbmwcca.com.
BMW Z Club, for all BMW Z cars – SanDiegoZ.com
Camaro Club of San Diego – www.camaroclubofsandiego.com.
Classic Chevys of San Diego, for 1955-57 Chevys – clubs. hemmings.com/classicchevyssd/
Heartbeat Classic Chevys, for 1955-1957 Chevys – www.heartbeatclassicchevys.com
Corvette Owners Club of San Diego – www.cocsd.com
North County Corvette Club – www.ncocc.com
North Coast Vettes – www.northcoastvettes.org.
Cougar Club of San Diego – clubs.hemmings.com/cougarsd/
Electric Vehicle Association of San Diego – home.att.net/~NCSDCA/EVAoSD/
East County Cruisers – www.eastcountycruisers.com.
Ferrari Owners Club, San Diego region – www.ferrarisd.com
Impala Club of San Diego, 1991-1996 – www.impalaclubofsd.com.
Jensen Owners Club – www.jentlefolk.com.
Model A Restorers Club of San Diego – www.sdmodelaclub.com.
San Diego MG Club – www.SanDiegoMGClub.org.
San Diego Miata Club – www.sandiegomiataclub.org.
West Coast Mini, –
San Diego Mustang Club – www.sdmustangs.com.
Over the Hill Gang, San Diego, 1948 and earlier vehicles – www.overthehillgang.com.
Packard Club –
Pontiac Club – www.sdpoci.com.
Southern California Shelby Club – www.socalsaac.org.
Studebaker Drivers Club – www.studebakerclubs.com.
SVT Owners' Association – www.svtoasandiego.com
Triumph Sports Car Club – clubs.Hemmings.com/sandiegotriumph
Volvo Sports America, San Diego – www.sdvsa.org
Z Club – www.supportedhosting.net/~zcsd/